Against Analytical Games Appreciation
This post is a little underdeveloped, but it outlines why I decided to start a blog. There's this great GDC talk, " You Have No Idea How Hard It Is To Run a Sweatshop ", and it has this slide which I really enjoyed: The talk covers the folly of games attempting to create meaning through theme only to have players discover the underlying mechanisms of games and, over time, seeing the theme as only pretty makeup over core mechanics and calculations. And I suppose what appealed to me about this is that I feel the general process for analyzing games does exactly this, intentionally. As game makers, we try think about games in terms of these mechanics which might lead to a good user experience. Coyote time makes platformers feel more responsive, pop-up tooltips bring information efficiently to players, camera shake makes hits feel more responsive, etc.. We try to learn lessons from the games we play that seem generally applicable, easily reproducible. But very little of the an...